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We are pleased to present this second issue of Hokudai Bisauni on the auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashami 2060. We wish all our readers a very happy Vijaya Dashami 2060.

The Nepali stanza in the beginning of this page reflects an established culture of Nepali society, and every child learns these verses from her/his childhood; the verses say: flowering of Artemisia plants indicates the closeness of Vijaya Dashani (the biggest Nepali festival), and the occasion of Vijaya Dashami allow us to live together while sharing our foods and drinks. We hope Vijaya Dasahmi 2060 directs every Nepali to maintain this spirit, and help attain peaceful Nepali society of zero discrimination therein.  

We have inspiring and welcoming responses from first issue of Hokudai Bisauni (HB), and, as a result, contributors are stimulated to submit their contribution in different forms of creative writing. Contributors in this issue include, children and adult, female and male from different mother tongues, which reflects the philosophy of this publication, i.e. language, sex and age should not be the barrier in literary work.  We are not so ambitious that HB would be able to include all national languages of Nepal. Neither we say that we would be making significant contribution to the development of these languages included in this issue. Our attempt, however, here is to respect all ethnical and regional dialects of Nepal without any discrimination. We hope our attempt would contribute to the development of diverse dialects to some extent.  We encourage our readers/contributors for their contribution in our future issues in achieving our goal in this regard.


Comments or/and suggestions will be appreciated.


Editorial Board

Hokudai Bisauni


PS: Ms Chieko Imakawa’s contribution in searching appropriate kanji equivalent to ‘Hokudai Bisauni’ is duly acknowledged.